jueves, julio 26


26 de julio

Si bien me propuse elaborar este blog con un post diario a partir de efemérides, y dentro de ellas, destacando los nacimientos y no a las muertes, hoy es un momento apropiado para aplicar la excepción que confirma la regla. Porque si bien un dia como hoy nacieron en:
1856 el dramaturgo irlandés George Bernard Shaw
1875 el escritor español Antonio Machado y el psicólogo suizo Carl Gustav Jung
1885 la escritora francesa Andre Maurois, y en
1894 el escritor británico Aldous Huxley,
también es cierto que fallece en 1952 María Eva Duarte Ibarguren.
Sin lugar a dudas, Eva es la figura femenina más trascendente que ha tenido Argentina. Amada y odiada con la misma intensidad, no son pocos los que aseguran que Perón no hubiera sido Perón sin ella.
Su muerte prematura, debido a la misma enfermedad que tuvo la primera esposa de Perón (cáncer cervical), impidió que profundizara su rol y liderazgo.
The Lancet, en 2000, publicó un artículo donde daba cuenta de la operación secreta que le practicó un médico norteamericano (George Pack).

Fifty years ago, Eva Peron was the wife of the most powerful man in Argentina, Juan Peron. When she first met him, he was a powerful general who seized the dictatorship of Argentina. She was a country singer who was the illegitimate daughter of a country nobleman and a mistress. Because her parents were not married, her father never acknowledged her birthright and she was very poor. She became a singer and crawled to the top of her profession on the basis of her talent and charisma. From the very first day that they met, he constantly berated her for not being a virgin and she always begged him to forget her past. Many times, she wrote to Juan Peron, "please think of me for what I am, stop berating me for the things that I have done (with other men) before I met you." After all, Juan Peron was a man of the world and he never stopped criticizing her for not being a virgin.

In January, 1950, at age 30, Eva Peron, the most famous person in Argentina, fainted in pubic and was diagnosed as having appendicitis and had her appendix removed. She never really recovered and continued to be weak and tired and had horrendous vaginal bleeding. She was diagnosed by her Argentinian gynecologist as having cervical cancer, but Juan Peron never told her of that diagnosis, probably because she was necessary for his reelection for president of Argentina.

In 1951, Eva Peron's husband was running for reelection as president of that country. During the election, she was put to sleep for surgery in November, and was told that she was to have her uterus removed and that her surgeon would be the famous Argentinian surgeon, Ricardo Finochietto. After she was asleep, and without her knowledge, famous American cancer surgeon, George T. Pack entered the operating room and removed an extensive cancer of the cervix that had already spread to other parts of her abdomen. After he operated and before Eva Peron awoke, Dr. Pack left the operating room and headed to the airport for a plane back to New York. When she awoke, she was told that she had an uneventful removal of her uterus for bleeding. She was not told that she had cancer and soon afterward at age 31, she died of cervical cancer.

Peron's first wife also died of cervical cancer, a venereal disease always caused by the human papilloma wart virus. It appears that it was no coincidence that both wives died of cervical cancer. Juan Peron who berated his wife for not being a virgin, most likely killed her by unwittingly giving her the same human papilloma virus that he had given to his first wife to also cause cervical cancer and her ultimate death.
Lancet, June 3, 2000
New York Times, June 6, 2000

Eva Perón: discurso

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